
TITLE: Why it can suck to be a blogger.
I have come to the realization that maintaining a blog is not easy work. Trying to find people that will subscribe and even read what you have to say is really hard! I almost thought about trowing in the towel, even though i just started! But then I realized, what if Eminem gave up? Or how about Micheal Jordarn.. he didn't evan make his high school basketball team and now he is one of the worlds greatest to ever play the game.. I really hope this pactience thing works out though.~Z

TITLE: Overview..
This is my page where I just share things that are going on.. nothing fancy really just day to day experiences that I may sometimes want input on. Or maybe even i have some advice, or just a story to share.. Its just somewhere where I want people to talk and have open conversations.

For now just a nice little wallpaper i wanted to share.

More stuff and updates will be coming soon so please subscribe and keep checking back for more! THX ~Z

1 comment:

  1. It's time to get going and start writing some good stuff, pour your heart out, people will follow, just give it some time. Look forward to reading!


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